Thursday 23 January 2014

Complimentary Medicine

It's been more than a year now since PSA hit - autoimmune, inflammatory condition. I am still on a DMARD  - Sulphasalazine-  but nothing else except herbal and complimentary medicine. I also engage in yoga. acupuncture, diet modifications, osteopaths, etc. The good news is my mobility is coming back (primarily in my legs/knees and one shoulder) and the pain is subsiding. Sleep and stress reduction seem to also make a difference so I try to get lots of sleep and reduce stress (always a challenge) . Walking is still slow, but I biked about 15 km the other day. I am hopeful but it is hard work. Tonight I start a mindfulness-based stress reduction course. I am doing exercises from physio daily. I am taking nothing for granted - including the fact that I have health benefits and an income that allows me to try different remedies. The learning curve is huge and encompasses a lot of time and energy. I fully believe that the path is somewhat individual but that by supporting each others' efforts and demonstrating compassion we can make a difference. I am very grateful to the friends that have given me constant support.

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